Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The World's Best Boxers

Did you know that I have discovered the World's Best Boxers? They are not human beings, they are just God's creature who also love boxing , that's why they are also joining the boxing federation, not of human but of kangaroos. I conclude that they are the best boxers, eventhough they are just animals they arealso trying their best on how to knockout the opponents.

Have you ever seen the kangaroo playing boxing? I know that almost of you has already visited the youtube. It is an enjoyable sport played by these creature. Like humans they know how to defend themselves to stay away from every punch. Through this sport bthat they are engage in, they entertain people and people enjoy watching them doing this. Why is it that they kow this sport, who trained them?

The idea of boxing kangaroo originates from the animals defensive behaviour, in which it will use it's smaller forelegs to (it's arms) to hold an attacker in place while using the claws on it's larger hind legst try to kick, slash or disembowel them. This stance gives the impression that the kangaroo appears to be “boxing” with it's attacker.

Kangaroo are shy and retiring by nature, and in normal circumstances present no threats to humans.
Male kangaroos often box amongst each other, playfully, for dominance, or in competition for mates. That is where they learn their sport.
Do you to be kangaroos boxing coach or youwant to be coached by the kangaroo in boxing sport? Whatever it is, there is only one thing that we should be thankful for. We should be thankful to God for giving us this creature who gives us enjoyment an we should learn to take care of them not to abuse them for they are a kind creature that is human friendly. Just be careful that they won't box you....
Resources: Boxing Kangaroo


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