Saturday, July 31, 2010

Eagle: A Magnificient Bird

Birds of prey are fascinating birds; said to be direct descendants from the raptor of pre-historic times, the most magnificient birds of the prey are EAGLES.

Eagles are diferent from many other birds of prey mainly by their large size, more powerful build and beak. Even the smallest eagles, have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct faster flight. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from the vulture. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large powerful hooked beaks for tearing flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons. They also have extremly keen eyesight which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance. This keen eyesight is primarily contributed by their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light.

There are about 59 kinds of Eagles and they fall into four different groups.
*Sea or Fish Eagles
*Snakes Eagles
*Harpy Eagles
*Booted Eagles

Sea or Fish Eagles
Sea or Fish eagles are large, powerful and long-winged eagles that have elaborate flight displays. These eagles do not have feathers on the lower part of their legs, but do have rough surfaces on the pads of their feet for holding slippery fish and have large beaks for penetrating fish skins. They are usually found near bodies of water.
Snakes Eagles
Snakes eagles are classified by their choice of food; snakes. They will feast upon a variety of snakes and are typically found in the forests and savannas of Africa, Australia and Europe.
Harpy Eagles
Harpy eagles can b identified by plumage atop their heads. There are six types of harpy eagles (crowned eagles, solitary eagles, New Guinea Eagles, crested eagles, Philippine Eagle and harpy eagles), and their habitat is found in the tropical lowland forests of Southern Brazil, Southern Mexico, and Northern Argentina. They prefer hunting in dense forests, and their diet mainly consists of monkeys, sloths and opossums. Occasionally harpy eagles feeds on smaller birds and reptiles. Typical or booted eagles range in size and shape from small accipiter-like hawk-eagles to large, long-winged, soaring eagles. This group includes the Golden Eagle, which is found around the world and has learned to hunt and eat almost anything it can catch. Golden eagles eat rabbits, snakes, squirrels, and other birds even small dogs.
We should take care of our forests where most of the eagles live, let's do no harm to them (eagle) for they are God's creature that adds beauty to our nature..
Resources:Wikipedia's diet

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Would you ever think of a very tiny creature which other consider as pest but a small and terrible creature who had their own means of living. The ants though small insects but a much batter example of being diligent worker when it comes to gathering food for their future.

Have you notice an ant. Many animals can learn behaviours by imitation but ants maybe the only group apart from mammals where interactive teaching has been observed. A knowledge forager of Temnothorax albipennis leads a naïve nest mate to newly discovered food by the process of tandem running. The follower obtain knowledge through its leading tutor. Both leader and follower are acutely sensitive to the progress of their partner with the leader slowing down when the follower lags,and speeding up when the follower gets too close. Ants are also generous insects because they have two stomachs;one is to hold food for themselves and second is to hold food to be shared with other ants. They learn how to share with their fellow ants.

Ant is a small insect which have six legs. Each legs has three joints. The legs of the ant s are very strong so they can run very quickly. Ants can lift 20 times their own body weights. Its brain has about 250,000 brain cells. The average life expectancy of an ant is 45-60 days. Ants use their antenae not only for touch, but also for their sense of smell. Its head has a pair of large strong jaws open and shut sideways like a pair of scissors. The ant has two eyes, each eye is made of many smaller eyes. They are called compound eyes.

Would you ever learn from an ant? Though they are small insects but terrible bewcause of the characteristics they possess.

Resources:John and Sarah's Pitstop


The World's Best Boxers

Did you know that I have discovered the World's Best Boxers? They are not human beings, they are just God's creature who also love boxing , that's why they are also joining the boxing federation, not of human but of kangaroos. I conclude that they are the best boxers, eventhough they are just animals they arealso trying their best on how to knockout the opponents.

Have you ever seen the kangaroo playing boxing? I know that almost of you has already visited the youtube. It is an enjoyable sport played by these creature. Like humans they know how to defend themselves to stay away from every punch. Through this sport bthat they are engage in, they entertain people and people enjoy watching them doing this. Why is it that they kow this sport, who trained them?

The idea of boxing kangaroo originates from the animals defensive behaviour, in which it will use it's smaller forelegs to (it's arms) to hold an attacker in place while using the claws on it's larger hind legst try to kick, slash or disembowel them. This stance gives the impression that the kangaroo appears to be “boxing” with it's attacker.

Kangaroo are shy and retiring by nature, and in normal circumstances present no threats to humans.
Male kangaroos often box amongst each other, playfully, for dominance, or in competition for mates. That is where they learn their sport.
Do you to be kangaroos boxing coach or youwant to be coached by the kangaroo in boxing sport? Whatever it is, there is only one thing that we should be thankful for. We should be thankful to God for giving us this creature who gives us enjoyment an we should learn to take care of them not to abuse them for they are a kind creature that is human friendly. Just be careful that they won't box you....
Resources: Boxing Kangaroo


Saturday, July 24, 2010


If we talk about bees what often comes in mind is the sweet honey it gives. Not with this bees because they are known to sting human to death.

Africanized bees got the name killer bees because they will viciously attack people and animals who unwittingly stay in their territory, often resulting in serious injury or death.

The Africanized bees lived throughout Africa, south of Sahara Dessert. Africanized bees were accidentally introduced into the wild in South and North America.

Hoping to create improved honeycomb production, the Brazilian Scientists attempted to create a new hybrid bees. This Africanized escaped and began to dominate honey bees.

These new hybrid, Africanized “killer bees” took many years established colonies throughout Central and South America. These bees has a bad attitude because they are, aggressive and easily agitated.

The killer bees “Africanized” has four life stages: egg, larva, pupa, and adult. It takes about 21 days for a regular worker to fully develop from an egg, sixteen days for a queen, and 24 days for a drone.
Drones usually live five to ten weeks. Workers usually lives 50 days. All the workers are female.

Africanized bees react to disturbance around the hive. They stay angry for a day after being disturbed. If one bee stings, it releases an alarm that smells like bananas. This pheromone causes the other bees to become agitated and sting. They die after they sting. The tiny barbs on the stinger
stick in the victim. When the bee tries to fly away, it rips its abdomen and eventually dies. Under usual circumstances, the result is the discomfort for the human but death for the bee.

An extremely aggressive Africanized bee colony may attack any “threat” within 100ft and pursue up to one-fourth mile. Africanized bees attack when colony is threathen, when loud noise, strong odor or fragrances, shiny jewelry and dark clothes are perceived a threats, and bees attack tha face and neck.

If you are being attack by the “killer bees” try to run away in a straight line protecting your face, and seek medical advice.

Resources:Insecta,Inspecta World
Desert USA

Thursday, July 22, 2010


Piranha are world-famous for their razor-sharp teeth. As we have seen in the movie they are using their sharp teeth to attack the victim.

From the moment the baby piranhas hatch from their microscopic eggs, they come into the world armed and dangerous. Baby piranhas will feast on tiny crustaceans, fruits, seeds and aquatic plants. Once they rteach about 1.5 inches in length they begin feeding on the fins and flesh of other fish and wonder too closely. As they grow they begin to go out in group of about 20 fish where they use a variety of hunting strategies to kill and eat their prey. They just start eating the victim alive. That's what made them the deadliest creature. Adult piranha have been known to eat their own babies.
When a school of piranha are in feeding frenzy the water appears to boil and turn red blood. They attack with such ferocity that they strip an animal of its flesh within a matter of minutes, even taking bites out of each other in process.
Adult piranha will just eat anything-other fish, sick nd weakened cattle, even parts of people. Sick cattle that have stooped their heads down to drink from the river have been grabbed by the mouth and nose and pulled out into the water completely devoured minutes later.
Dont you know that there are approximately 20 species of piranhas found in the Amazon river, nearly of them are vegetarian, only species of piranhas that can stripped flesh of animals in a double quick time are the red-bellied piranha.
How would you love to make piranha as your pet? There are people who made piranha their pet, but those piranhas are those which are not harmful and are vegetarian.

Source: Piranha,
Extreme Science


The jellyfish is one of the oldest living creature in the world. Jellyfish have existed on the face of this planet for over 650 million years.

Jellyfish is a different creature than most of other marine creatures. They have no scales, no fins and can come in an array of captivating beautiful colors.

They are found all throughout the waters of the world from the waters surface all theway down to the deep sea, but in more times there has been a dramatic rise in jellyfish numbers.

With such large numbers of jellyfish in the waters there will certainly be a very dramatic impact on fishing and food supplies. The more jellyfish that are in the sea, the more they wil eat, the more they eat the less food there is for other marine creatures which share their dietary interests. Another problem is for swimmers, with so many jellyfish in the water it may very well become almost impossible to go for a swim at the beach without suffering from a nasty sting.

Jellyfish does not intentionally sting but rather sting automatically when something comes into contact with them.

One of the biggest problems jellyfish pose to humans is the risk of being stung by their tentacles. The number of reported jellyfish stings across the world has risen drastically. While a lot of jelyfish stings do not cause any harm to humans, some of them are extremely deadly and can cause severe reactions in human and even death.

The credit for being one of the “deadliest” undoubtedly goes to the Sea Wasp, alias Marine Stinger or Box Jellyfish. A sting from the Box Jellyfish can result in cardiovascular collapse, in addition to respiratory failure and neuromuscular paralysis that can kill you. Medical intervention is absolutely essential assoon as you are sting by a Box Jellyfish since the consequences can be fatal.

If you are stung by a box jellyfish, seek medical help immediately. While you are waiting for medical help, flood the area with vinegar until the medical help is available and keep as still as possible. If you are not close to medical care, soak the area and tentacles for 10 minutes or more before attempting to remove them. If the sting is in the arms or legs, you can place a pressure dressing (like an ACE wrap for a sprained ankle) around the sting. Be careful that ou should not stop blood flow-the fingers and toes should always stay pink. This will help to slow down the spread of toxin.

Jellyfish are beautiful, colorful marine creature. But let's be careful because they are harmful...

Source:Jellyfish Information
Jellyfish Sting treatment

DOG: Lovable pet

Many people love to have dog as their pet. Dog is the nicest animal to become your pet. Dog can be train and can follow simple instruction of their masters. They are very nice and friendly animals.

Unlike other animals, dogs really know their master, they are the best security guards, they are willing to give their lives just for their master. Dogs are the most fascinating and endearing pet.

Dogs have different breeds. No matter what ever breeds they are still they can be easily trained and they can follow whatever you teach them in a very simple way.

Masters have different tricks with their dogs. Tricks help dogs to learn. If your dog learns different tricks, then your dog learns how to obey and have good manners. Tricks can help your dog play and to become more energetic.Learning tricks gives time for you and your dogs to be together.

You can teach your dog how to give you something you are asking for. You can also teach them to do some simple actions like, jump,crawl, shakehands, bark and other simple action which you want your dog to learn.

In taking care of your dog, you should say to it that you are giving them the right nutrition and proper care. Like human being dog also need proper care and protection.
They just don't need food but much more they also need your love. Though they cannot speak still they can understand what you are showing to them and in response they show you action which means they love you and respect you as their master.

Do you like to have pet? Start it now by having a DOG as your pet.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010


In the jungle the tiger is one of the most feared animal not only of its big body but because it's the jungle's apex prediator Tiger is the destroyer,devourer and a carnivore. In the forest smaller animals were afraid of tigers because they know that tiger would really eat meat and if it be possible their meat. Tiger wants to eat meat coming from the different animals from the forest that's why it goes out to look for food and if ever he finds smaller animals the tiger runs after them and make them its lunch.

The length of the tiger reaches up to 3.3 meters in total length,weighing up to 300 kilograms (660 lbs.), and having canines up to 4 inches long. The larger tiger subspecies are comparable in size to the biggest insticnt felids. Aside from great bulk and power, their most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes that overlays near-white to redish-orange fur, with lighter underparts.

Tiger have a lifespan of 10-15 years in the wild, but it can live longer than 20 years in captivity. They are territorial and generally solitary animals,often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey demands. This coupled the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on earth, has caused significant conflict with humans.

Their historical range once stretched from Mesopotamia and the Caucasus through the most ofSouth and East Asia. Today it has been radically reduced. While all surviving species are under formal protection, poaching' habitat destructiopn and continue to threathen the species.
Tigers are among the most recognisable and popular in the world. Tiger appears on many flags and coats arms as mascott for sporting team
and as the national animalsof sevral Asian nation.

Tigers were really fearful animals, thats why we should be careful especially when we are at the zoo. We should follow all the directions to be far from accident.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Chupacabra: An Unidentified Identity

Many people ask if chupacabra really exist. As it was shown in some videos and pictures, this creature really exists.

Chupacabra is part reptile, part coyote and is an ugly creature. The name chupacabra means "goat sucker," because the creature likes to suck the blood out of its prey.

The chupacabra goat sucker" is an animal said to be unknown to science and systemically killing animals in places like Puerto Rico, Miami, Nicaragua, Chile, and Mexico. The creature's name originated with the discovery of some dead goats in Puerto Rico with puncture wounds in their necks and their blood allegedly drained. According to UFO Magazine March/April 1996) there have been more than 2,000 reported cases of animal mutilations in Puerto Rico attributed to the chupacabra.

Maybe this animal or creature does not only exist in these places but as well as in other parts of Asia like Philippines and some other countries. In the Philippines, there is a similar creature that looks like chupacabra that goes out only during night time. It has long legs on the back but shorter legs on its front. They can run faster than a normal dogs can do. They have long tongues and they eat charcoals.

ROXAS CITY, PHILIPPINES – Residents of Barangay Lawaan here are puzzled over the death of two goats. The goats’ blood were sucked and their intestines eaten.
Goat owner Engr. Joel Jumbas could not ascertain what killed his goats on September 18. Someone told him the manner of killing is suggestive of Chupacabra. Jumbas raises goats within Provincial Engineer’s Office compound in Brgy. Lawaan here. The following night, he put two other goats as baits but nothing happened. Search engine says 'Chupacabra' means 'the goatsucker' in Spanish. It is named as such because of the way it sucked blood from Puerto Rican goats.
According to ancient Filipinos, this creature was being raised by witches. They are the pets of witches and they looked like a combination of a dog and a kangaroo and is very ugly with sharp teeth. They have red eyes, very scary.

Here's a drawing from Madelyn Tolentino, portraying this kind of creature:
So what is really a chupacabra? Until now, it remains a mistery.