Thursday, July 22, 2010


Piranha are world-famous for their razor-sharp teeth. As we have seen in the movie they are using their sharp teeth to attack the victim.

From the moment the baby piranhas hatch from their microscopic eggs, they come into the world armed and dangerous. Baby piranhas will feast on tiny crustaceans, fruits, seeds and aquatic plants. Once they rteach about 1.5 inches in length they begin feeding on the fins and flesh of other fish and wonder too closely. As they grow they begin to go out in group of about 20 fish where they use a variety of hunting strategies to kill and eat their prey. They just start eating the victim alive. That's what made them the deadliest creature. Adult piranha have been known to eat their own babies.
When a school of piranha are in feeding frenzy the water appears to boil and turn red blood. They attack with such ferocity that they strip an animal of its flesh within a matter of minutes, even taking bites out of each other in process.
Adult piranha will just eat anything-other fish, sick nd weakened cattle, even parts of people. Sick cattle that have stooped their heads down to drink from the river have been grabbed by the mouth and nose and pulled out into the water completely devoured minutes later.
Dont you know that there are approximately 20 species of piranhas found in the Amazon river, nearly of them are vegetarian, only species of piranhas that can stripped flesh of animals in a double quick time are the red-bellied piranha.
How would you love to make piranha as your pet? There are people who made piranha their pet, but those piranhas are those which are not harmful and are vegetarian.

Source: Piranha,
Extreme Science

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